Sun Pony Ranch

Diary of novice (clueless) ranch owners

Monday, April 09, 2007

Gettin our move on

Been meaning to for a long time, so last month we finally got around to joining the local gym. It's small and doesn't have very extensive hours. I debated over this a long time as having it close meant Dave could join too and we've always been more successful at using a gym when we could do so togther. Also, we like supporting our local businesses. We sure can't beat it's proximity just 4 miles away. So we bit the bullet and signed up for a few months starting in March.

We've pretty much stuck exclusively to the spin classes (cycling) in the early mornings before work. We figured that evenings just aren't going to happen, what with me generally not getting home before 6:30 and he being in the kennel at least until then, and the gym closes at 8:00 pm! So far we've been quite consistent (well, until Ginger left town last week and now Dave gets the early morning, mid day AND late shift in the kennel). Mon and Wed class starts at 5:45, on Fridays not until 6:00. But they ususally have 6-10 people participating, and the two instructors are quite good.

We'd never done spin classes before, though I've heard a lot about them from our cycling friends. They really are pretty fun. The bikes aren't traditional stationary bikes in that they closely resemble actual road bikes. Resistance is controlled just by screwing down a tension knob. We ride along with the leader painting a picture of what today's ride is going to be -- such as lots of rolling hills, or we're coming along another group of cyclists that we need to sprint to pass. It's pretty convincing to say we're hitting a sudden hill to crank down on the resistance and stand up on the peddels. It gives you a lot to think about other than just peddling away. Since we control the resistance you can modulate your own workout for those days you have more or less energy. And the music helps you keep pace, while providing yet more opportunities for distraction as we comment on the play list for the morning.

I've been thrilled, though, that Dave has been going with me, even at those unbelievably early hours (given his fondness for mornings). Not only that, but he's been going when I'm out of town, and this week I was totally prepared to just sleep through it but he wouldn't let me! (points back at the we're more successful going together comment.) We get home just before 7 am, which gives me 25 minutes to shower and get out to my bus. Ginger's always in the kennel by the time we get home but I asked her if Dave doesn't show up sooner on our gym days. Yes, she said. And not only that but she can tell he's awake and ready to go!

So we've been at it about a month, I'm starting to see some improvement with stamina. Think I might need to reward myself with new exercise clothes. :) Dave started seeing a physical therapist for a sore back. He's watched Ginger struggle so with her back, so he's pretty motivated to get this resolved the right way. They have him incorporating stretches and ice packs into his regimen. Seems to be working out well.



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