Sun Pony Ranch

Diary of novice (clueless) ranch owners

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The unveiling!

I mentioned some time ago that Mike, my sister's boyfriend, was coming up to start finishing the basement for Ginger. We decided to attack the project in phases - so that we could complete the master bedroom suite asap, and she could move in. Well - today is moving day!

Mike pretty much finished up the weekend before Thanksgiving, like we'd planned, but there are always the last minute things to handle. Not to mention a kennel full of dogs to attend to. So we decided that moving before Thanksgiving wasn't as important as taking our time to do it right. So, it's been a couple of weeks of taking our time - but yesterday we finished up and then Dave and I stealthly cleaned up while Ginger was out doing errands. I should have taken a picture of the pre-clean up condition - becase it really was dramatic, what with construction detrius sitting around - tools, left over spools of wiring, boxes of tile, tubs of grout and joint compound, tubs if nails, screws, nails and more nails!!. Not to mention the pile of brand new tack that we ordered over 2 years ago that has been sitting there on the futons collecting dust all this time... Perhaps you get the picture without any pictures!

Ta DA: The Basement, Unveiled  (video)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks fantastic! So worth the work.

Was that Joe I heard being a perfectionist about the bathroom mirror. No wait! That was Dave. ;-) I'm sooooo kidding. Great work Dave et al!!


12/9/07, 10:24 AM  
Blogger Dean said...

Oh that was fantastic. Ginger seems thrilled. I didn't realize you're going all out, ... with kitchen and living room. I thought only the bedroom.
LOL! She got her Plasma tv hooked up but not the bed. You guyz certainly have your priorities right. he he ...
I like that :)
Hey Monica, so nice to get a glimpse of you. I'm liking you doing this movie clips. MORE !!



12/12/07, 7:00 PM  

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